Thursday, January 04, 2007

Trizzle.. How to set Goals for the New Year

How to Set Goals for the New Year

Scenario: “Dude, just set one big-freakin’ goal. Then strive for it. Strive because you believe in yourself. Strive. You-can-do-it. Yay!”

It all sounds fine-and-dandy:

Set a big goal, then strive for it like the mutha $@!$% that you know you are.

But, there’s a reason most people don’t achieve their New Year goals:

It’s too freakin’ big to achieve in one sitting. That gets you procrastinating, with your subconscious telling yourself:

  • “Hey, I can’t achieve my big goal now. Maybe I’ll start seeking it in the near future when I feel ready. Right now, I’m not ready. Yay!”

That statement becomes a viciously cruel cycle that gets you doing: Nothing.

How to Set Goals for the New Year

Go to Trizzle to read the full article.

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