Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rogue Trader!

Whenever a big bank or large trading operation loses a large chunk of change we immediately hear about the lone wolf, the young gun caught up in a glamorous trade, biting his nails, considering suicide, waiting for his position to come back.  He's the ROGUE TRADER!  Like dawn of the dead when they find out you're not one of them you're a rogue trader!  Typically this drama plays out as a convenient smoke screen for much larger risk management issues that senior management at the negligent company would rather not come to light.

Why don't we hear about the rogue trader who makes a lot of money abandoning risk management guidelines, skirting compliance issues, management turning a blind eye.  Does this guy ever get fired or outed by his community as a pariah trader?

UBS has fired their CEO and rightly so, over their latest incident with big losses brought about by over-sized positions and risk taking.  This is rare.  Normally the young guy caught in the wrong position,  flapping in the breeze is rolled under the bus and ground up by the media machine and the corporate pr protection gang.  He's thrown to the wolves, fired, degraded, often jailed or barred from their profession for life, tattooed Rogue Trader on the forehead.

Never mentioned in the whole affair is the company's risk management framework, position limits, risk monitoring, mark to market P&L reporting system.  Is this guy reporting his positions in a spreadsheet?  Doesn't the risk manager check in with his broker every day, confirm his trades monitor his position limits and delegation of authority?

If not then the the CEO deserves to get fired.  Typically these traders do well for a time and are rewarded with more and more DOA or daily VAR.  What management of traders often fail to realize is that if a trader breaks his profit target and DOA to the upside there is every chance in the world that they will experience a similar event to the downside.  Typically the downside events are worse in proportion to the gains and managed less effectively because the trader doesn't want to admit the loss and take it.  They ride the loss and even double down thinking that is will get better, that it will come back, that they can hide it for a few days.  They've been successful in the past and an enormous portion of their professional ego is tied up in being right, being successful.  After all how can you be a successful trader if you're not right most of the time?  (quite a few ways actually but that's another post).

Often, these positions are sanctioned by someone higher up because they also don't want to take the loss and have to report it to their bosses.  If the company is managing positions on a spreadsheet, fails to confirm daily trading activity and mark to market  P&L daily, who is responsible for that decision?  What is $10 million dollars spent  on your risk management system when you're daily VAR is $50 million and some dude right out of business school with a spreadsheet, three girlfriends, credit and broker can take you down $2 billion?  It's not that guy's fault.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

More Evidence of the Big Lie

Can you believe your own eyes?  How does the woman stand in the entry hole in WTC if it is hot enough to melt steel?

This is a great video logically explaining how things are not as we were told.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Think for Yourself

This article on the daily capitalist features this article from William Edelen, a Christian minister, an intellectual, a thinker, and very definitely an iconoclast. He wrote the following piece right after 9-11 on one of his favorite themes. 
The Torpid, Mindless Mass
By William Edelen
October 7, 2001
The question for today is at the heart of the problem we face as a nation. It is exactly the same question that was requested for my lectures at the University of Alabama Conference Center several years ago. I was asked to explore Carl Jung’s question: “Why are so many millions willing and eager to turn their lives over to outside authorities?”
Why are so many today, without thinking, willing to turn their mind/brain, soul/spirit, over to outside individuals, institutions, authorities and ideologies? Whether it be to Osama bin Laden or whether it be to Christian, Muslim and Jewish authorities of dogma, or whether it be to Republican or Democratic dogma, or whatever the outside authority or institution might be that is telling you what to think, what to believe and how to live your life.  Read More...
The more we depend on outside authorities for direction, the more is our own growth and creative unimplemented arrested. And yet, how many still yearn for an outside religious authority to pat us on the head and tell us we have been good, or to slap our little hands and tell us we have been bad, ensuring that we stay forever emotionally stunted and dwarfed spiritually.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Teal Opener Sept 10th

Had a great morning in Bay City today out in the duck blind.  We had a nice group of hunters and knocked down 16 between 7 of us.  Brought a limit of 4 home and discovered a nice band on one of them.

Plugged the band number into the interior department website and came up with the following.


About your Band/Bird
   Band number: 1045-20057 Kind of Bird: Blue-winged Teal
   How Obtained: Shot
   Status of Band: Removed from Bird
   Status of Bird: Dead
 About Date
 Date of Recovery: 09/10/2011    Hunting Season: current
 About Location
Duck Unlimited Hunting Blind, 3 miles W of Town of Markham,  County is:  Wharton in Texas

Information from Files
Band Number: 1045-20057
 Date banded: 09/04/2008
 Age: HATCHED IN 2008

That bird had a lot of miles on it.  We have the option to go again in the morning but it's 3:15 am wake up.

Sept. 17th had another great hunt with the guys from Third Coast.  Met at the Bay City Whataburger at 5am then out to the field.  The teal were flying everywhere but were not decoying well.  Most of the buzzed us and flew on but the unlucky ones came in and didn't go out.  

Near the end a group of 40 teal came in and the 6 of us dropped 6 teal and the 3 dogs retrieved them.  Great outing.

Texas Wildfire

Texas is experiencing an historic drought and as a consequence many wildfires have cropped up and are burning out of control.  On our way back from San Antonio on Labor Day weekend we spotted this one near Columbus.  We could see it from a long way away and when we approached it looked to be a few miles from I-10.  There was another fire burning near Highway 6 but it was quite small.   On Wednesday this week we woke up to a thick smokey fog and the car was covered in ash.  We need the rain dance.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Zombies Are Here to Protect You From... Other Zombies???

The warm and fuzzy Napolitano and her warm and caring state security henchmen.  Nope sorry my mistake, that's a salvation army guy not a pornoscanning airport crotch grabber. Sure looks scary though.  Which one would you associate these two with?

This Gal?

or this guy?

Take a close look.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Bank Robbers, Bankers Robbing

You and I are now constantly being ripped off by bankers and their government sponsors.  Bankers have captured the US system of government and have re-directed its resources into their own pockets.  Heads we win tails you lose you middle class host to the parasitic oligarchs.  Check out this from Nassim Taleb and Mark Spitznagel.

The great bank robbery

By Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Mark Spitznagel, Project Syndicate

For the American economy – and for many other developed economies – the elephant in the room is the amount of money paid to bankers over the last five years. In the United States, the sum stands at an astounding $2.2 trillion. Extrapolating over the coming decade, the numbers would approach $5 trillion, an amount vastly larger than what both President Barack Obama’s administration and his Republican opponents seem willing to cut from further government deficits.

That $5 trillion dollars is not money invested in building roads, schools and other long-term projects, but is directly transferred from the American economy to the personal accounts of bank executives and employees. Such transfers represent as cunning a tax on everyone else as one can imagine. It feels quite iniquitous that bankers, having helped cause today’s financial and economic troubles, are the only class that is not suffering from them – and in many cases are actually benefiting.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Great Dove Hunt 2011

The Great Dove Hunt 2011

We made it out to San Antonio on Labor Day weekend for the great dove hunt 2011 with the boys from the 4J Ranch.  Shot our limit both days and had a great time around the camp.  Can't beat San Antonio, TX in the US for dove hunting.