Monday, January 22, 2007

Iraq, It's In Our Face

Use Em Then Spew Em - The Abuse of Soldiers For Profit

"If I've got a soldier who's on Ambien to go to sleep and Seroquel and Qanapin and all kinds of other psychotropic meds, I don't want them to have a weapon in their hand and to be part of my team because they're a risk to themselves and to others," he said. "But apparently, the military has its own view of how well a soldier can function under those conditions and is gambling that they can be successful." Thought it may be a good idea to post this whole dialogue to the list as there is considerable fodder for thought that obviously escapes most of us as such things are simply not discussed in the media at large....

by Chis Gupta

I don't understand how the mercenaries make $100k plus and the kid wearing the uniform is on foodstamps? How many mercenaries have died? How many Iraqis? What is the true cost of the wounded to the U.S. taxpayer? What is the cost of the wounded to their families?

A lot of questions, not many satisfactory answers.

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