Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rick Gardasil Perry

Even living in Texas I don't know much about Governor Rick Perry.  My filter for state news disregards most  events but now and then there is an action, legislation or a lobbying effort that catches my ear. One of those items was regarding Rick Perry and his statewide mandate that girls as young as 11 be ordered to receive a three course vaccination at $120 per of the HPV virus vaccine developed by Merck.

My first thoughts of course were to my own 7 year old daughter and all the other daughters in the state. My second thoughts were to the tyrannical nature of the order.  The intrusiveness of this order was even one level deeper than Obama's mandate that all his subjects purchase health insurance because it specified invasive medical procedures and mandated specific drug consumption.  Put aside the danger and untested effectiveness of this vaccine, you're ordering me to inject my daughter with Merck's vaccine?  What is wrong with this picture?

At the federal level the corporate puppets are already mandating strip searches and feel-ups, insurance purchases and any number of other intrusive procedures and demands.  Chances are a presidential decree, sorry executive order, is much harder to dispute than the governor's decree.

Now Rick has apologized and said it was a bad idea (so sorry) but he's established a precedent for bad judgement, corporate influence, centralized planning and royal decrees.  We hear from these presidential candidates, then the MSM filters the real arguments and the public largely picks a presidential candidate based on their tailored pitch and how they look.  Past behavior and actions are much stronger predictors of future behavior.  Do we really want someone like Rick Perry with that kind of power?  Sometimes there are defining events in a politician's career. That was Rick's.

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