Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fukushima Still Happening

This video from the national government broadcaster of Japan is incredibly sad. It describes the damages, uncertainties decisions and deception in the months after the melt-down at Fukushima. Many lives, many ways of life are changed forever and will continue to be affected by the disaster for many years to come.

Near the end a man giving up his lively hood after over 100 years in the race horse business spoke about his feelings. "I am confused at the unfairness of having to give up my assets my land, everything. Not only that, they say I may never be able to return. Why did this have to happen. I want someone to tell me." Not only looking for a new job but a new way of life.

Everything looks fine on the surface but the land is poisoned and you have to leave. Scientists in this video found people living in contaminated zones that were hotter than the Chernobyl exclusion zones.

The media has forgotten about Fukushima. If it had happened in the U.S. it would have been the event of the century. Let's hope it doesn't.

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