Sunday, April 24, 2011

Real Housewives of Wall Street

The Real Housewives of Wall Street

Why is the Federal Reserve forking over $220 million in bailout money to the wives of two Morgan Stanley bigwigs?

Rolling Stone

Interesting that this story has just died. I'm pretty busy at work and don't watch mainstream media but I haven't heard any of this in casual conversation. This type of off-the-chart fraud and deception against the taxpayers makes you wonder what you're working for. Anyone trying to get by with $4.00 gas prices and 50% food inflation has to begin to wonder why doesn't the fed give some of that money back to the taxpayers.

The scope and breadth of the fraud and criminality is overwhelming. The fact that nobody has been prosecuted underlines the incestuous relationship between government and corporations. Commercial prisons are filled to the brim with petty criminals but print up a few trillion dollars and hand it out to your corporate buddies, hey that's saving the economy.

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